The Night Train to Kathmandu is a 1988 English Movie that stars Milla Jovovich, Eddie Castrodad and Pernell Roberts. Movie ‘The Night Train To Kathmandu’ was directed by Robert Wiemer.
Lily is forced to leave California with her parents and brother to Nepal. Being unimpressed with the country's culture and scenery, Lily braces herself for sheer boredom. Until she meets a mysterious Sherpa named Joharv who she falls in love with. Joharv leads Lily as well as her brother and her anthropologist father to search for the legendary invisible "City that Never Was" against the backdrop of the Himalayas. (via Wikipedia)
Though movie title is ‘The Night Train To Kathmandu’, don’t be confused there is noting to do with this title. Yes, there is no train in Kathmandu, but they met one Sherpa guy in train while they were heading to Nepal from India. And when they reach Kathmandu, they were impressed by the country's culture and the colorful streets of Kathmandu.
Beside Hollywood actors there are Santosh Panta, Gopal Bhutani and others in this movie. And its great to see foreign actors in Nepali Dress i.e. ‘Daura Surwal’.
Movie has described our Himalayas as ‘Heaven’. If you want to feel the Kathmandu of late 80s, and to know the hidden mystery of our Himalayas (as described in movie), then watch this movie. May be this movie had helped a lot to promote Nepal in those days. watch all movi please click here
The Night Train To Kathmandu [1988] #MOVIE
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i have never heard about this movie